
The Solution of a Sample Numerical Problem Related with Laboratory Permeability Test of Two Soil Samples in Series, Finding the Head Loss (Soil Mechanics)

Hi, With this single solved example, you will refresh two concepts of soil mechanics, as follows.  How to find the equivalent permeability of linearly stacked soil samples.  How to find the hydraulic gradient in individual layers, and hence the head losses. So, let’s move to the problem and its solution. Problem In a laboratory, a

The Solution of a Sample Numerical Problem Related with Laboratory Permeability Test of Two Soil Samples in Series, Finding the Head Loss (Soil Mechanics) Read More »

Le-Chatelier’s Apparatus- Soundness Test of Cement – Theory, Procedure and Calculation Formula

Aim: To find out the Soundness of Cement. Apparatus: Le- Ch-atelier’s Apparatus, Weighing balance, measuring cylinder, trowel, mixing pans heater, thermometer. Standard Reference:  Test is performed as per IS: 4031 (Part – 1) – 1988, Theory:  Cement of good quality does not contain the impurities like free lime, magnesia and sulphates, so this should be checked before use.

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One liners – Transportation Engineering for GATE, PSUs – Part 7

Hello there, How have you been? Here is another round of one liners for your preparation for the GATE and PSUs examinations. Bottom-most layer of a pavement is called Sub-grade. Flexible pavement distribute the wheel load through a set of layers to the sub-grade. The number of repetitions, which the pavement thickness designed for a

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One liners – Transportation Engineering for GATE, PSUs – Part 6

Hello there, How have you been? Here is another round of one liners for your preparation for the GATE and PSUs examinations. A traffic rotary is justified where number of intersecting roads is between 4 to 7. When a number of roads are meeting at a point and only one of the roads is important,

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One liners – Transportation Engineering for GATE, PSUs – Part 5

Hello there,How have you been? Here is another round of one liners for your preparation for the GATE and PSUs examinations. The diagram which shows the approximate path of vehicles and pedestrian involved in accidents is known as collision diagram. With increase in the speed of the traffic stream, the minimum spacing of vehicles increases. Traffic volume

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One liners – Transportation Engineering for GATE, PSUs – Part 4

Hello There,I am here to give you another round of one liners from Surveying, for your preparation for GATE and PSUs. For a constant value of co-efficient of lateral friction, the value of required super-elevation increases with, increase in speed and with decrease in radius of curve. To calculate minimum value of ruling radius of

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One Liners/MCQs- Transportation Engineering.- part 3

Hello, Here are few MCQs which might help you with Transportation Engineering.For more you can write below in the comment box or join my Facebook Page. 1. The camber preferred in concrete roads is (a) Parabolic Camber (b) Straight Camber (c) Combination of parabolic and straight camber (d) Cubic Ans: (b) Straight 2. The shoulders

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