Solved Book Problem: A -1% grade meets a +2.0% grade at station 470 of elevation 328.605 m. A vertical curve of length 120 m is to be used.

Problem A -1% grade meets a +2.0% grade at station 470 of elevation 328.605 m. A vertical curve of length 120 m is to be used. The pegs are to be fixed at 10 m interval. Calculate the elevations of the points on the curve by (a) tangent corrections and (b) by chord gradients. Reference: […]

Solved Book Problem: A -1% grade meets a +2.0% grade at station 470 of elevation 328.605 m. A vertical curve of length 120 m is to be used. Read More »

How is build() function called in Kivy, Python, Even though we never call it by ourselves!

Hi, When you start to learn Kivy, everything appears to be somewhat different from Tkinter. If we are not familiar with the “Overriding Methods” in Object Oriented Programming, then this doubt comes to mind. How does build() function get called in App class. Look at the following code. class MyApp(App): def build(self): return Label(text=”This is

How is build() function called in Kivy, Python, Even though we never call it by ourselves! Read More »

Vedic Kundli App | Maha-Dasha & Antar-Dasha | Lagna Chart | and Navamsha Chart | using Python Tkinter

Hi, If you need to find the LAGNA CHART, NAVAMSHA CHART and DASHA details, all using one single code, please buy the ELITE Version of the code. I talk about it later in this post. Buy the Code for Vedic Kundli App Now! The free version of the code is first we will talk about.

Vedic Kundli App | Maha-Dasha & Antar-Dasha | Lagna Chart | and Navamsha Chart | using Python Tkinter Read More »

Create SPACE INVADER 2D GAME with 168 lines of Pygame (Python 3.9) Code – Complete Code

Hi, Creating games of your own and being able to modify the code as per your own desires can be quite a confidence booster. I realized it when I created this Space Invader 2D game using the Pygame module of Python. Apart from the lines of code that I have written below you will need

Create SPACE INVADER 2D GAME with 168 lines of Pygame (Python 3.9) Code – Complete Code Read More »

Two Players Tic-Tac-Toe Game Only in 95 Lines of Python Code, using Tkinter

Hi, I started to write this code with the help of John Elder from comedy.com. I have shortened the code to only 95 lines. The program uses the Tkinter library. Also Read: Tic-Tac-Toe Game using classes in Python – only in 77 lines of Code Create 2D Space Invader Game using Python from tkinter import

Two Players Tic-Tac-Toe Game Only in 95 Lines of Python Code, using Tkinter Read More »

Troubleshooting Pywin32 Installation Errors

Hi there, I recently encountered some challenges while trying to install pywin32 in my PyCharm virtual environment. I used the command pip install pywin32, but unfortunately, I received the following error messages: ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement pywin32 (from versions: none) ERROR: No matching distribution found for pywin32 To help

Troubleshooting Pywin32 Installation Errors Read More »

Solution | Q.29, Civil GATE 2021, Set1 | Wedge M and Block N Subjected to forces P and Q.

Problem Statement: A wedge M and a block N are subjected to forces P and Q as shown in the figure. If force P is sufficiently large, then the block N can be raised. The weights of the wedge and the block are negligible compared to the forces P and Q. The coefficient of friction

Solution | Q.29, Civil GATE 2021, Set1 | Wedge M and Block N Subjected to forces P and Q. Read More »

Solution – Civil GATE 2021, Set1, Q.28– Concentration of Total Volatile Solids in Industrial Wastewater

Problem Statement: A 50 mL sample of industrial wastewater is taken into a silica crucible. The empty weight of the crucible is 54.352 g. The crucible with the sample is dried in a hot air oven at 104 °C till a constant weight of 55.129 g. Thereafter, the crucible with the dried sample is fired

Solution – Civil GATE 2021, Set1, Q.28– Concentration of Total Volatile Solids in Industrial Wastewater Read More »

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