Accessing Table Names in SQLite3 and Microsoft Access Databases (pyodbc) Using Python

How to access Table Names inside a Data File (sqlite3 and Microsoft access data files)


When working with databases, it is essential to know the names of the tables in order to access and manipulate the data effectively. In this article, we will explore how to retrieve table names from SQLite3 and Microsoft Access databases using Python.

Accessing Table Names in SQLite3:

SQLite3 is a popular database management system that stores data in a file-based format. Generally, the file will have a ‘.db’ extension. To access the table names in an SQLite3 database, follow these steps:

  1. Import the sqlite3 module.
  2. Establish a connection to the SQLite3 database file using the sqlite3.connect() method.
  3. Create a cursor object using the cursor() method.
  4. Execute the SQL query SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' using the cursor’s execute() method.
  5. Fetch all the results using the cursor’s fetchall() method.
  6. The retrieved table names will be stored in a list or tuple.

Here’s the Python code snippet:

import sqlite3

# Establish connection
conn = sqlite3.connect('your_database.db')

# Create cursor object
cursor = conn.cursor()

# Execute SQL query
cursor.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'")

# Fetch table names
table_names = cursor.fetchall()

# Print table names
for name in table_names:

# Close the connection

Accessing Table Names in Microsoft Access:

Microsoft Access is a popular relational database management system. To retrieve table names from a Microsoft Access database, we can use the pyodbc module, which provides connectivity to various database systems. Ensure that you have pyodbc installed before proceeding. The database files, in this case, generally will have extensions of ‘.mdb’ or ‘.accdbc’.

Here’s how you can retrieve table names from a Microsoft Access database using Python:

  1. Import the pyodbc module.
  2. Establish a connection to the Access database file using the appropriate connection string.
  3. Create a cursor object using the cursor() method.
  4. Iterate through the tables using the cursor’s tables() method.
  5. Retrieve the table names using the table_name attribute.
  6. Print the table names.

Here’s the Python code snippet:

import pyodbc

# Establish connection
conn = pyodbc.connect(r'Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)}; DBQ=C:\path\to\your_database.accdb')

# Create cursor object
cursor = conn.cursor()

# Retrieve table names
for table_info in cursor.tables():

# Close the connection


Being able to access table names in databases is crucial for performing data operations efficiently. In this article, we have explored how to retrieve table names from SQLite3 and Microsoft Access databases using Python. By following these methods, you can easily retrieve table names and proceed with accessing and manipulating data within your databases.

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