Solution – Civil GATE 2021, Set1, Q.28– Concentration of Total Volatile Solids in Industrial Wastewater

Problem Statement:

A 50 mL sample of industrial wastewater is taken into a silica crucible. The empty weight of the crucible is 54.352 g. The crucible with the sample is dried in a hot air oven at 104 °C till a constant weight of 55.129 g. Thereafter, the crucible with the dried sample is fired at 600 °C for 1 h in a muffle furnace, and the weight of the crucible along with residue is determined as 54.783 g. The concentration of total volatile solids is 

Solution: (C) 6920

Also Check: Solution of GATE 2021, CE, Set1 (Q.1 to Q.100)

Weight of the volatile solids (Wsolids) = Change in the weight of the sample when dried at 600˚C for 1 hour in muffle furnace

hence, Wsolids = 55.129 – 54.783 = 0.346 gm = 346 mg

The Concentration of volatile solids =Wsolids/Vsample = 346/50 = 6.92 mg/ml = 6920 mg/L

Solution for Q.27 <— —-> Solution Q.29

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