USCS and AASHTO Soil Classification, using a Python Program Code


The following code is written in Python language, so to run the code you must have Python installed in your computer. Also, make sure to have ‘math’ library installed. 

When you run the code, it will ask you to enter the inputs related to the soil properties such as #200 sieve % finer, #4 finer etc. Put all the data given your problem, as and when asked. The result will show the USCS classification of the soil. 

def soilclass():
import math

r = input('Name of the classification required? (AASHTO/USCS/Both): ')
a = float(input('Material % finer than sieve #200 size(0.075mm): '))
b = float()
if a<50:
b = float(input('% finer than #4 (4.75mm) sieve: '))

LL = float()
PL = float()
PI = float()
PIA = float()

v = input('LL given? (y/n): ')
if v.lower() == "y":
LL = float(input('LL(%) = '))
pi = input('What is given? (PI or PL): ')
if pi.upper() == "PI":
PI= float(input('PI(%) = '))
PIA = 0.73 * (LL - 20)
if PI > PIA:
print(f'On A-Line, PI = 0.73(LL-20) = {PIA}%, '
f'Hence with PI of {PI}% soil lies above the A-line')
elif PI < PIA:
print(f'On A-Line, PI = 0.73(LL-20) = {PIA}%, '
f' Hence with PI of {PI}% soil lies below the A-line')
elif pi.upper() == "PL":
PL = float(input('PL(%)= '))
PI = LL - PL
print(f'Plasticity Index, PI = LL- PL = {PI}%')
PIA = 0.73 * (LL - 20)
if PI > PIA:
print(f'On A-Line, PI = 0.73(LL-20) = {PIA}%, '
f'Hence with PI of {PI}% soil lies above the A-line')
elif PI < PIA:
print(f'On A-Line, PI = 0.73(LL-20) = {PIA}%, '
f' Hence with PI of {PI}% soil lies below the A-line')

if r.upper() == "USCS" or r.upper() =="BOTH":
print('USCS Classification: '
D10 = float(input('D10(mm)= '))
D60 = float(input('D60(mm) = '))
D30 = float(input('D30(mm) = '))
Cu = D60 / D10
Cc = (D30) ** 2 / (D10 * D60)
print(f'''Cu = D60/D10 = {Cu}, Cc = (D30)^2/(D10*D60) = {Cc}''')

if a < 50:
print(f'As less than 50% of total soil, i.e. {a}%, is passing through #200 sieve, '
f'it is a Coarse grained soil')
if b < 50:
if a < 5:
if Cu >= 4 and 1 <= Cc <= 3:
print(f'As Cu>=4 and 1<=Cc<=3, '
f'soil class is GW (Well Graded Gravel)')
print(f'As either Cu<4 or Cc<1 or Cc>3, '
f'soil class is GP (Poorly Graded Gravel)')
elif a > 12:
if PIA < PI and LL < 50:
print(f'With PI above A-line and LL<50, fines are clay with Low Compressibility(CH), '
f'so soil can be classified as GC - Clayey Gravel')
elif PIA < PI and LL > 50:
print(f'With PI above A-line and LL>50, fines are Clay with High Compressibility(CH), '
f'so soil can be classified as GC - Clayey Gravel')
elif PIA > PI and LL < 50:
print(f'With PI below A-line and LL<50,fines are Silt with Low Compressibility(ML), '
f'so soil can be classified as GM - Silty Gravel')
elif PIA > PI and LL > 50:
print(f'With PI below A-line and LL>50, fines are Silt with High Compressibility(MH), '
f'so soil can be classified as GC - Clayey Gravel')

elif b >= 50:
if a < 5:
if Cu >= 4 and 1 <= Cc <= 3:
print(f'As Cu>=4 and 1<=Cc<=3, '
f'soil class is SW (Well Graded Sand)')
print(f'As either Cu<4 or Cc<1 or Cc>3, '
f'soil class is SP (Poorly Graded Sand)')

elif a > 12:
if PIA < PI and LL < 50:
print(f'With PI above A-line and LL<50, fines are clay with Low Compressibility(CH), '
f'so soil can be classified as SC (Clayey Sand)')
elif PIA < PI and LL > 50:
print(f'With PI above A-line and LL>50, fines are Clay with High Compressibility(CH), '
f'so soil can be classified as SC (Clayey Sand)')
elif PIA > PI and LL < 50:
print(f'With PI below A-line and LL<50, fines are Silt with Low Compressibility(ML), '
f'so soil can be classified as SM (Silty Sand)')
elif PIA > PI and LL > 50:
print(f'With PI below A-line and LL>50, fines are Silt with High Compressibility(MH), '
f'so soil can be classified as SC (Clayey Sand)')

elif a >= 50:
print(f'More than or equal to 50%, i.e. {a}%, is passing through #200 sieve')
if LL < 50:
if PIA < PI and PI > 7:
print(f'With PI above A-line and LL<50, '
f'fines are clay with Low Compressibility(CL)')
elif PIA > PI and PI < 4:
print(f'With PI below A-line, LL<50, and PI<4, '
f'fines are Silt with Low Compressibility(ML)')
elif LL > 50:

if PIA < PI:
print(f'With PI above A-line and LL>50, fines are Clay with High Compressibility(CH)')

elif PIA > PI:
print(f'With PI below A-line and LL>50, fines are Silt with High Compressibility(MH)', "n")

if r.upper() == "AASHTO" or r.upper() == "BOTH":
print('---------------------- ')
print('AASHTO Soil Classification:')

# a is finer than #200, b is finer than #4
c = float(input('% finer than 2.00 mm (#10): '))
d = float(input('% finer than 0.425 mm (#40): '))

if c <= 50 and d <= 30 and a <= 15 and PI <= 6:
print(f'As % finer than 2.0mm (#200) <=50, %finer than 0.425 mm (#40)<=30'
f'% finer than 0.075mm (#200) <=15%, and PI<=6, '
f'hence the soil fits the criteria of soil class A-1-a (Stone Fragments,gravels and sand)')

elif c >= 51 and d <= 50 and a <= 25 and PI <= 6:
print(f'As %finer than 0.425 mm (#40)<=50'
f'% finer than 0.075mm (#200) <=25%, and PI<=6, '
f'hence the soil fits the criteria of soil class A-1-b (Stone Fragments,gravels and sand)')

elif c >= 51 and d >= 51 and a <= 10 and v.lower() == "n":
print(f'with %finer than 0.425 mm (#40) >=51, '
f'and % finer than 0.075mm (#200) <=10%, '
f'the soil is fine sand of class A-3')

elif c > 50 and d >=51 and a <= 35 and LL <= 40 and PI <= 10:
print(f'with LL<=40 and PI<=10, '
f'soil fits the criteria of "Silty or clayey Gravel" A-2-4')

elif c > 50 and d > 50 and a <= 35 and LL >= 41 and PI <= 10:
print(f'with LL>=41 and PI<=10, '
f'soil fits the criteria of "Silty or clayey Gravel" A-2-5')

elif c > 50 and d > 50 and a <= 35 and LL <= 40 and PI >= 11:
print(f'with LL<=40 and PI<=10, '
f'soil fits the criteria of "Silty or clayey Gravel" A-2-6')

elif c > 50 and d > 50 and a <= 35 and LL >= 41 and PI >= 11:
print(f'with LL>=41 and PI>=11, '
f'soil fits the criteria of "Silty or clayey Gravel" A-2-7')

elif c > 50 and d > 50 and a >= 36 and LL <= 40 and PI <= 10:
print(f'with LL<=40 and PI<=10, '
f'soil fits the criteria of "Silty Soils" A-4')

elif c > 50 and d > 50 and a >= 36 and LL >= 41 and PI <= 10:
print(f'with LL<=40 and PI<=10, '
f'soil fits the criteria of "Silty Soils" A-5')

elif c > 50 and d > 50 and a >= 36 and LL <= 40 and PI >= 11:
print(f'with LL<=40 and PI>=11, '
f'soil fits the criteria of "Silty Soils" A-6')

elif c > 50 and d > 50 and a >= 36 and LL >= 41 and PI >= 11:
if PI <= LL - 30:
print(f'with LL>=41 and PI>=11, and PI < LL-30 '
f'soil fits the criteria of "Silty Soils" A-7-5')
elif PI > (LL - 30):
print(f'with LL>=41 and PI>=11, and PI > LL-30 '
f'soil fits the criteria of "Silty Soils" A-7-5')


a = input('Exit? stress/n: ')
while a.lower() == "n":
a = input('Exit? stress/n: ')

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