Cut and Fill Volume for given GL and FL profile, using Python Code


So you have a numerical problem to solve, to find the cut and fill volume on a given profile of ground with a certain width given. The problem at hand will be processed into a section as given below in the image.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 20200928_115017.jpg

If there is a cut or fill, between any particular chainage, can be judged only when you know the staff readings of GL(ground level) and FL(Floor level). Once it is known how much length is in cut and fill, then any one of the applicable formulae such as ‘Average End Area’ or ‘Prismoidal formula’ can be used to find the volume. 

Now, this whole process can be codified using Python.  Please don’t get afraid by the length of the code. It is very simple to copy and paste it into your Python IDEs such as Pycharm or Visual Studio and run it. Once you run the code, it will ask you to input the section width and slope, and then the chainage, GL, FL etc. The output will be the cut or fill height(h), End Areas, and then the Cut and Fill Volume. The result will be in the tabular form. 


import NumPy as np

from pandas import DataFrame

Chain = np.array([])
GL = np.array([])
FL = np.array([])
Cutting = np.array([])
Filling = np.array([])
Area = np.array([])
Vcut = np.array([0])
Vfill = np.array([0])
n = int(input('no. of sections, n = '))
b = float(input('width of level section b = '))
s = float(input('slope s = '))
cut = 0
fill = float()
A = float()

for i in range(n):
    print(f'for section{i}')
    ch = float(input('Chainage = '))
    Chain = np.append(Chain, ch)
    gl = float(input('GL = '))
    GL = np.append(GL, gl)
    fl = float(input('FL = '))
    FL = np.append(FL, fl)
    if gl>=fl:
        fill = 0
        Filling = np.append(Filling, fill)
        cut = gl - fl
        Cutting = np.append(Cutting, cut)
        A = (b+s*cut)*cut
        Area = np.append(Area, A)
        fill = fl - gl
        Filling = np.append(Filling, fill)
        cut = 0
        Cutting = np.append(Cutting, cut)
        A = (b + s * fill) * fill
        Area = np.append(Area, A)

print(f' Please note, When GL> FL, section is in cutting, h(cutting) = GL-FL,'
      f'and if GL<FL it is in Filling, h(filling) = FL-GL'
      f'Area of section, A = (b + sh)h', "n")
df = DataFrame()
df['Chainage'] = Chain
df['GL'] = GL
df['FL'] = FL
df['Cutting'] = Cutting
df['Filling'] = Filling
df['Area'] = Area

x = float()
for i in  range(n-1):

    if Cutting[i]>0 and Filling[i+1]>0:
        print(f'Both cutting and Filling in between Chainage {Chain[i]} to {Chain[i+1]}',)
        D = Chain[i + 1] - Chain[i]
        x = D*Cutting[i]/(Filling[i+1]+Cutting[i])
        Vc = Area[i]*x/2
        Vcut = np.append(Vcut,Vc)
        Vf = Area[i+1]*(D-x)/2
        Vfill = np.append(Vfill, Vf)
        print(f'Cutting till distance x = {x}, and filling in {D-x}', "n")

    elif Filling[i]>0 and Cutting[i+1]>0:
        print(f'Both cutting and Filling in between Chainage {Chain[i]} to {Chain[i + 1]}')
        x = D * Filling[i] / (Filling[i] + Cutting[i+1])
        print(f'Filling till distance x = {x}, and Cutting in {D - x}', "n")
        Vf = Area[i]*x/2
        Vfill = np.append(Vfill, Vf)
        Vc = Area[i+1]*(D-x)/2
        Vcut = np.append(Vcut, Vc)

    elif Cutting[i]>0 and Cutting[i+1]>0:
        print(f'Only cutting in between Chainage {Chain[i]} to {Chain[i + 1]}')
        Vc = D*(Area[i + 1] + Area[i]) / 2
        Vcut = np.append(Vcut, Vc)
        Vf = 0.0
        Vfill = np.append(Vfill, Vf)
        print(f' Cutting Volume = {D}*({Area[i]} + {Area[i+1]}) / 2 = {Vc}', "n")

    elif Filling[i]>0 and Filling[i+1]>0:
        print(f'Only Filling in between chainage {Chain[i]} to {Chain[i + 1]}')
        Vf = D * (Area[i + 1] + Area[i]) / 2
        Vfill = np.append(Vfill, Vf)
        Vc = 0.0
        Vcut = np.append(Vcut, Vc)
        print(f' Filling Volume = {D}*({Area[i]} + {Area[i + 1]}) / 2 = {Vc}')


df['Filling Volume'] = Vfill
df['Cutting Volume'] = Vcut

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