Functions of IRC, CRRI, and Roads wing of Surface Transportation

A brief history first!

Appointment of the Jayakar Committee

In 1927 central Govt. appointed an Indian Road development committee under the chairmanship of M.R. Jayakar to report on the existing road conditions, and suggestion for their future developments. 
The Jayakar committee submitted its report on 1928 with the recommendations that since the provincial governments and the local bodies are not able to look after all the roads; the road development in the country should be taken up by the Central Government.

Indian Roads Congress (I.R.C.):
The Indian Roads Congress was established by the Central Government in 1934 as per the recommendations of the Jayakar Committee. The I.R.C.  was constituted to provide a forum for the regular pooling the technical ideas,  experiences and know-how for the panning of the development of the roads throughout the country.  I.R.C.  provides the recommended specifications regarding the design and construction of the roads in the country.  

IRC has collaborated with the road wing of the ministry of the surface transportation of Govt. of India. It publishes journals, standard specifications and guidelines on various aspects of highway engineering.

Functions of Indian Roads Congress (IRC)

IRC a body of professional highway engineers provides the following services:
  1.  It provides a forum for the expression of the collective opinion of its members for all matters affecting the construction and maintenance of roads in India.
  2.  It promotes the use of standard specifications and practices.
  3. It provided with the suggestions for the better methods of planning, designing, construction, administration and maintenance of roads.
  4. It conducts periodical meetings to discuss technical problems regarding roads.
  5. It makes the laws for the development, improvement and protection of the roads.
  6. It furnishes and maintains libraries and museums for encouraging the science of road-making.

Functions of Central Road Research Institute (CRRI)

CRRI was started by the Central Government in 1950, for the research work in highway engineering. CRRI is a series of laboratories under the council of scientific and industrial research in India. It offers the following services.

  1. Carries basic and applied research for the design, construction and maintenance of the highways.
  2. Carries research on traffic safety and transport economics.
  3. Carries research on economical utilization of locally available materials for construction and maintenance of roads.
  4. Research for the development of the new machinery, tools equipment and instruments for highway engineering.
  5. To provide technical advice and consultancy services to various organizations.
  6. To provide library and documentation services.

Roads wing of the ministry of surface transport

The roads wing of the Ministry of Surface Transport handles the road matters of the Central Govt. It is headed by a Director-General.
The Director-General is assisted by two Additional Director Generals(one for roads and one for bridges), a number of Chief Engineers, Superintending Engineers, Executive Engineers and Asst.
Executive Engineers. The roads wing has a Chief Engineer for the North-East region posted at Guwahati and a Liaison-cum-Inspectorate organization consisting of S.E’s and E.E’s in the various states. The functions of the roads wing of Surface Transport are as follows.

  1. To control funds approved by the Central Government for the development of National Highways.
  2. To control the central road fund (CRF.)
  3. To prepare plans for the development and maintenance of National Highways in consultation with state PWDs.
  4. To oversee technically the quality of works executed by the agencies.
  5. Administer matters regarding road research.
  6. Examine technically the projects and bridges prepared by the PWDs.
  7. To administer the central road program other than National Highways in the Union Territories.

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