Highway Geometrics- Short introduction

You must know the various highway cross section elements if you are a highway engineer. You might have the introduction with the cross section elements like friction, camber, formation width, road width, super elevation and sight distance etc. To design a safe and economic road you must consider all these elements.
For safe and efficient running of the traffic it must have the required formation width. For the durability of the roads, it must have the required camber. Super elevation is required at the horizontal curves to keep the fast moving vehicles on the track. Sight distance is again very important in terms of safety and therefore for effective traffic movement. You must consider the Codal specifications to look for the standard values. In India Indian Roads Congress is an active organization which provides the specifications for design. In USA it is AASTHO.
If you are a highway engineer, then remember that you have the responsibility of the safety of the vehicles and the lives in terms of the road serviceability. Do your best and keep rest up to God.
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